viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

WWE Background 2019

Wyatt Beougher: FICTION – Austin’s neck is made of tissue paper at this point, and if he were to wrestle at WrestleMania, a dozen years would have passed between WrestleMania matches. Stranger things have happened, but this just seems like Stone Cold’s annual attempt to drum up interest in a WrestleMania match that will never happen – remember when he was going to wrestle CM Punk for three different Wrestlemanias? If Brock is going to continue to wrestle retired or semi-retired stars from the 90s to the point of near-death, let’s at least get the Rock in there, as he can still work a match and might not collapse immediately afterwards. Truthfully, though, I’m still holding out hope for Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania, though if what Bryan says is true and he’s been cleared to return but WWE won’t let him, there’s no way they’ll actually let him face Brock.

Mike Hammerlock: FICTION – No doubt there’s all kinds of money in Brock vs. Stone Cold, but Steve Austin could be risking quadriplegia or death by attempting to put on the kind of match that would live up to the hype of that meeting. Look no further than Sting getting injured on a buckle bomb at Night of Champions. Wrestling is a dangerous enterprise, even for guys without permanent structural neck damage. Then factor in Brock Lesnar. Yes, the results in pro wrestling a predetermined and the wrestlers try to work safely, but part of what makes Lesnar such a spectacle is he adds reality to his matches. He really is sending his opponent higher and farther on a German than anyone else. He really is slinging guys around like rag dolls when he does an F5. Anyone who gets in the ring with Lesnar is going to take some major bumps. Also, by the time WrestleMania 32 rolls around, Austin will be 51 year-old man who hasn’t worked a match in 14 years. His ability to protect himself should be questioned and his body no doubt isn’t going to be able to pay the checks his brain wants to cash. As rich as the match could everyone involved, I don’t think the WWE or Austin or Lesnar want to risk a Perro Aguayo Jr. situation.

Wyatt Beougher: FICTION – Seth Rollins’ former compatriot in the Shield, Dean Ambrose? His US Title run was completely useless. But Rollins’ run, while brief, did a tremendous amount for his character. Sure, he didn’t win the belt cleanly, he didn’t defend it successfully even a single time, and the reign lasted less than a month; however, that doesn’t change the fact that Rollins became even more smug because he held both titles at the same time and that if they ever decide to pull the trigger on the Seth Rollins vs Triple H feud, they can play off of the history, as before Rollins, the last wrestler to hold the WWE’s version of a world championship and a secondary belt was Triple H, who held the World Heavyweight Championship and the Intercontinental title simultaneously in 2002. So while it might not have been a history-making reign by any means, it did still serve a purpose, so I can’t agree that it was “completely useless”.

Mike Hammerlock: FICTION – I think Rollins put some gloss on the belt and his brief run set up Cena’s eventual dropping of the title as a big deal. Ultimately Cena is going to have to drop the belt and lose a feud in the process. That’s going to be a very big rub and Rollins’ brief run with the belt adds to it. Rollins was good enough to beat Cena once, but it’s going to take something/someone special to claim the title and keep it. The next U.S. champion is going into orbit, because that belt is filled with rocket fuel at the moment. Cena no doubt will go back to open challenges and my question is, “Has Roman Reigns finally found some ambition?” Looks like Bray Wyatt suddenly wants to torment Randy Orton. If Chris Jericho’s bump of Dean Ambrose at Night of Champions is foreshadowing, and in pro wrestling how could it be anything other than foreshadowing, then those two will be locking horns. That leaves Roman without a whole lot to do, other than beat the guy who fended off Rollins. If they go that route, it gives Reigns ammunition for the inevitable feud they have down the road.

WWE Background Results 2019

WWE Background Results 2019. The Big Red Demon from Corporate Hell continued playing mind games with his former associate, shifting back and forth from Director of Operations to Demon as he tormented the WWE world heavyweight champion. It was even more evident in the night's main event, when Kane teamed with The Dudley Boyz to take on Rollins and The New Day.

What did the company's most dangerous man have in store for Rollins when the company rolled into the Times Union Center?

The Divas Revolution continued into another broadcast, with Team B.A.D. taking on Team Bella in a Six-Woman Tag Team match. After being shoved to the background as she prepares to challenge Bayley for the NXT Women's Championship at TakeOver: Respect, Sasha Banks returns to WWE television with the opportunity to make a statement ahead of her much-anticipated title opportunity.

Would she score a huge victory, or would she suffer a setback?

Natives of Albany and the surrounding area found out at Tuesday night's event, and now, thanks to Marc Middleton at, so can you.

WWE Battleground

WWE Battleground  professional wrestling (often shortened to pro wrestling or wrestling) is a type of performance art that combinesathletics with theatrical performance. It takes the form of events, held by touring companies, which mimic a combat sport. The unique form of sport portrayed is fundamentally based on classical and "catch" wrestling, with modern additions of striking attacks, strength-based holds and throws, and acrobatic maneuvers; much of these derive from the influence of various international martial arts. An additional aspect of combat with improvised weaponry is sometimes included to varying degrees.

The matches may have predetermined outcomes in order to heighten entertainment value, and all combative maneuvers are executed with the full cooperation of those involved and carefully performed in specific manners intended to lessen the chance of actual injury. These facts were once kept highly secretive but are now a widely accepted open secret. By and large, the true nature of the performance is not discussed by the performing company in official media in order to sustain and promote the willing suspension of disbelief for the audience by maintaining an aura of verisimilitude. Fan communications by individual wrestlers and promotions through outside media (i.e. interviews) will often directly acknowledge the dramatic and "fixed" nature of the spectacle.